Dr. Jordan Dutton N.D. Integrative Naturopathic Medical Centre Naturopath YVR
2 min|Dr. Jordan Dutton

Preparing For Allergy Season

Wellness, Nutrition, Health
Springtime beckons with blooming flowers and chirping birds. However, for many, it's also a time when allergies make an unwelcome return. Here's how to prep yourself for the season.

Understanding Allergies in Spring

After winter flu fades, allergies rise. Pollen, tree sap, seasonal birds, and changes in air quality or pressure can leave many of us sniffling, with itchy eyes, or battling post-nasal drips. Plus, if you have conditions like asthma, spring can make symptoms flare up.

The challenge? Keeping allergies in check without staying indoors during one of the most beautiful times of the year, especially in places like Canada. The key is building a robust immune system that doesn't overreact to allergens.

Start with Food Sensitivities

Your diet can impact how your body responds to allergies.
  • Find Your Triggers: Food sensitivity tests can reveal foods that might aggravate your allergies. If you've been tested for environmental allergens, consider this step too.
  • Limit Dairy & Sugar: These can strain your immune system, promote inflammation, and create a fertile environment for pathogens. Sugar can hamper vitamin C absorption, while dairy can increase mucus production.
  • Be Wary of Grains: Especially if you're sensitive, grains like wheat can trigger inflammation and stress your immune system.

Recommendations for Allergy Prevention and Management

  • Air Quality: Invest in a HEPA filter air purifier. Regular cleaning, changing pillowcases weekly, and keeping outdoor clothing out of bedrooms can help. If pets are part of the household, consider regular baths or keeping them out of the bedroom during allergy season.
  • Sinus Care with Neti Pot: A bi-weekly warm salt water rinse can keep sinuses clear. For a more potent mix, combine warm water, iodine, salt, tea tree oil, and vitamin A.
  • Steam Inhalation: This method relaxes the lungs and clears sinuses. Boil water and add eucalyptus and peppermint oil. Inhale for 5-10 minutes. Citrus oils or hanging fresh eucalyptus in your shower can also be beneficial.

Nutritional Approaches to Manage Allergies

  • Quercitin: This natural anti-histamine stabilizes mast cells and reduces inflammation.
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and acts as a natural anti-histamine.
  • Stinging Nettle: Either as tea or capsules, it helps with allergic rhinitis by being nutritive and anti-inflammatory.
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine: Helps break up mucus and alleviate post-nasal drips.
There are also various homeopathic medications tailored to individual needs. If you're still struggling, consult a healthcare provider for personalized, non-drowsy allergy management strategies.
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