Resetting the nervous system to create flexibility in the face of stress
OverviewNeurOptimal™ is a dynamic neurofeedback brain-training system. | BenefitsNeurOptimal™ can help improve cognitive and physical performance, enhance focus and deepen sleep. |
About NeurOptimal™
Stressors can cause erratic and dysfunctional brain activity
Whether it be from an acute brain injury or chronic work deadlines, stress can trigger our nervous system to switch into ‘fight or flight’ mode. Without neural flexibility, our nervous system can remain in this mode, leading to disorganized and dysfunctional nervous system activity.
NeurOptimal™ treats the central nervous system (CNS) with the goal of calming the CNS so that it works more effectively and efficiently
By providing feedback as to when the brain is not operating efficiently, the nervous system is able to re-organize and normalize itself, making the best use of your brain’s neural resources.
Our Approach
An Integrative Approach to NeurOptimal™
At Integrative, NeurOptimal™ treatment protocols vary with each patient based on their individual needs and severity of symptoms. Generally, we recommend 50 minute sessions, once or twice a week, for 10-20 sessions. Many patients report experiencing relief after only one session. Typically, this improvement will last a few hours or days, indicating that the treatment is beneficial but more treatment sessions are required. More serious or chronic injuries generally require longer courses of treatment.
Optimal nutrition, supplementation, stress management, and adequate sleep are all factors that influence healing. Many patients benefit from working on these factors with a doctor, alongside NeurOptimal™ treatments, to optimize their response.
If working with a doctor, they may include testing methods to evaluate how best to support you alongside NeurOptimal™ treatments. These testing methods may include:
Applications of NeurOptimal™
NeurOptimal™ training can be a helpful component of treatment for a wide variety of cognitive and nervous system related dysfunction. It is particularly helpful for brain injury rehabilitation.
- Brain injury rehabilitation
- Post-concussion syndrome
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Patients experiencing ‘chemo brain’ or ‘chemo fog’
- Emotional hyper-reactivity (hypervigilance, uncontrolled anger, etc)
- Tinnitus
- Addiction
- Autism
How it Works
How does NeurOptimal™ work?
Overview of NeurOptimal™
NeurOptimal™ monitors your brain waves via five sensors connected to your ears and scalp and provides feedback, in the form of music interruption, when it is not operating efficiently. This feedback provides a cue to the brain to refocus, shifting away from erratic activity towards clearer, more centred thought patterns. With repeated sessions, the brain is trained to ‘reset’ itself easily. As you improve, the level of training adjusts to become more difficult; over time, your brain’s resiliency and flexibility strengthens.
Target Area of the Body
By specifically coordinating activity of the central nervous system, NeurOptimal™ training influences the health of the entire body.
Health Benefits of NeurOptimal™
Session by session your central nervous system will learn new and improved ways of operating, resulting in a more flexible and resilient nervous system, focused cognition, balanced emotions, and enhanced creativity
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First Visit
What does your first visit look like?
Your first visit is the opportunity for you to share your health goals, and for your NeurOptimal™ Practitioner to gather vital health information that will help them to determine if you are a candidate for NeurOptimal™ treatment, and the best treatment course for you.
Initial Intake Paperwork
You will be asked to fill out an initial intake form, describing your main areas of concern, as well as a consent form.
Medical and Lifestyle History
Your NeurOptimal™ Practitioner will gather details regarding your current and past health concerns and lifestyle.
Review of Treatment
Your NeurOptimal™ Practitioner will prepare you for your first treatment, reviewing set-up, what to expect, and possible side effects and benefits of NeurOptimal™ training.
Within your first visit, you will receive your initial NeurOptimal™ treatment session.
Frequently Asked Questions
View all FAQs
What does NeurOptimal™ treat?
NeurOptimal™ training can be a helpful component of treatment for a wide variety of cognitive and nervous system related dysfunction. It may be helpful for brain injury rehabilitation, post-concussion syndrome, anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, ‘chemo brain’ or ‘chemo fog’, emotional hyperreactivity, tinnitus, addiction, or autism.
Am I candidate for NeurOptimal™?
Only a practitioner trained in NeurOptimal™ can determine whether or not you are a good candidate. Within your visit, the NeurOptimal™ Practitioner will determine if you are a good candidate and, if applicable, recommend a treatment plan.
How much does NeurOptimal™ cost?
The cost of NeurOptimal™ will depend on how many sessions are required. Our Patient Care Coordinators can provide you with a quote prior to your first consultation with our NeurOptimal™ Practitioner.
How many NeurOptimal™ treatments are typically required?
The response to treatment varies, depending on the overall health of the patient, severity and chronicity of health concerns. Once you begin treatment, your NeurOptimal™ Practitioner will be able to monitor how you respond and provide a better estimate of how many treatments may be required.
What are the side effects of NeurOptimal?
Generally, patients experience little to no side effects following neurofeedback sessions. However, everyone is different, and regulating brain function can impact emotions and brain function. Your NeurOptimal™ Practitioner will discuss all possible side effects with you prior to a treatment session.
Do I need to see a Naturopathic Doctor in order to receive NeurOptimal™?
No. NeurOptimal™ is offered by Carol Sutcliffe, NeurOptimal™ Practitioner.
Is NeurOptimal™ covered by MSP or Extended Health Plans?
No, NeurOptimal™ is not typically covered by insurance providers. Your visit will be billed as a visit with Carol Sutcliffe, NeurOptimal™ Practitioner, and cannot be billed as a visit with a Naturopathic Doctor. We recommend contacting your insurance provider directly prior to your visit to determine your coverage.