2 min|Dr. Alex Chan
What is Insulin Potentiation Therapy? (IPT)
Wellness, HealthIPT or Insulin Potentiation Therapy was first used in the treatment of Cancer in 1946, after Dr Donato Perez Garcia Sr developed the treatment in the 1930s at his clinic in Mexico City. The use of IPT is based on the theory that the insulin would increase the drug uptake into the cells because those receptors open up with the presence of insulin. Insulin receptors are present in almost all of the tissues in our bodies, making IPT an effective and fast acting treatment for a wide range of disease.
Due to the fact that cancer cells are known to have more insulin receptors than normal body tissue, IPT can be used to deliver a more effective treatment. Essentially, the patient is given an IV dose of insulin, and when it hits the cells – the insulin receptors open up expecting a bunch of sugar (which cancer cells love.) Instead, the dose of IPT is followed by anti-cancer agent.
At Integrative, our Cancer Care Program uses non chemotherapy IPT in conjunction with anti-cancer agents such as high dose vitamin c, artusentae, DCA, etc. When the IPT is paired with vitamin C (or a variety of other anti-cancer Intravenous Therapy that we offer,) the cells are receiving more of the vitamin C directly into the cell then they would without the IPT.
How does the IPT treatment work?
Should a patient and the doctor decide moving forward with IPT, treatment will begin. IPT treatments usually take place 1-2 per week, and the patient’s condition and progression is evaluated regularly – therefore determining the subsequent treatment frequency. It is important to be well hydrated for the treatment, and to have fasted for a minimum of 4 hours.
Since IPT induces a state of hypoglycemia, symptoms may include warmth, sweating, elevated heart rate, mild nausea, and increased hunger and thirst. Vital signs and blood glucose are monitored during the treatment. This treatment is expected to take about 2 hours.After your IPT treatment, it is wise to avoid fatty foods. One should also drink fruit juices to counterbalance the effects of low blood sugar. Rest is important; do not exercise on the same day of treatment and get plenty of sleep.
Integrative offers non-chemotherapy insulin potentiated therapy. If you are undergoing cancer treatment and would like to learn more about our Cancer Care Program and non-chemotherapy insulin potentiated therapy, please give us a call at 604-738-1012 ext 1
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