2 min|Dr. Maya Kuczma
Treat Your Nervous System to Heal your Pain
HealthNerves serve as communication highways between every part of the body and the brain.
They receive messages regarding our external environment and transmit messages to parts of our body to initiate movement. Additionally, they communicate signals of pain. This signal can be vital - it ensures that we remove ourselves from scenarios that threaten our vitality.
However, these messages can become dysfunctional, chronically triggered even after the threat has been removed. For this reason, treating the nervous system is an essential component of a pain treatment plan.
Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is based on the concept that disturbances in our nervous system affect the functioning and pain level of a tissue. The free-flow of electrical signals through our nerves controls all body functions such as digestion, perspiration, breathing, and blood flow as well as our ability to trigger a “fight or flight” response when we sense a danger.
When we sense stress, our heart rate increase, digestion slows, and our pupils dilate. Ideally, once the danger is removed, our nervous system returns back to its resting tone. However, many of us perceive stress constantly through our daily lives and our nervous system becomes locked into this heightened level of response.
Being locked in such a state can disturb our ability to digest and relax, alter our mood, and trap us into a pattern of pain. In neural therapy, local anesthetics are injected around nerves and nerve junction points (ganglia) in order to change the membrane potential or ‘charge’ of a nerve, in an effort to ‘reboot’ the system and return the nervous system to a more functional, and relaxed, state.
Neural Prolotherapy
Neural Prolotherapy aims to treat peripheral nerves that have become inflamed leading to a sensation of superficial or deep pain. The nerves that lie on the periphery of our body also innervate deeper into the joints and can therefore affect their function and level of pain.
Peripheral nerves can become injured due to impact or movements that were beyond our body’s comfortable range of motion. This can cause the nerve to shear as it slides through the tissue, becoming damaged and inflamed.
Neural prolotherapy involves superficial injections of a low concentrated dextrose (sugar) solution along the pathway of the affected nerve. The dextrose blocks the receptors in the nerve that regulate pain and inflammation, enabling the pain to diminish and the nerve to heal.
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