3 min|Dr. Maya Kuczma
Top 5 Foods You Should Be Avoiding To Prevent Chronic Pain
NutritionAre your daily habits the cause of your chronic pain?
It's no secret that our diet plays a significant role in our overall health, including pain management. Certain foods have been found to trigger inflammation and exacerbate chronic pain conditions. In this article, we will delve into the science behind these pain-inducing foods. By being aware of the foods to avoid and making informed choices, you can take proactive steps towards reducing chronic pain and improving your quality of life.Caffeine
Poor sleep is a consequence of living with chronic pain, as well as a trigger for increased pain sensitivity. For many people, caffeine is a sleep disruptor, affecting either their ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Additionally, caffeine causes the kidneys to release magnesium, regardless of whether the body needs it or not. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to headaches, muscle cramps, insomnia, fibromyalgia, as well as many other conditions.
Nightshades are plants belonging to the Solanaceae family, and includes many popular foods such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant. This plant family contains alkaloids which can trigger muscle spasm, aches, pains, tenderness and stiffness in some people. This reaction can be magnified when combined with caffeine and pesticides, two substances that many of us consume each day.
Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivities trigger a systemic immune response to a food that your body perceives as a threat. When this immune response occurs, systemic inflammation follows, triggering a host of widespread symptoms such as gas, bloating, headaches, weight gain and many more. Additionally, the immune cell complexes formed during this response can migrate to joints causing local inflammation and pain. Book in for a Biomeridian Food Sensitivity Test to find out which foods you're sensitive to!
Similarly to caffeine, sugar affects the kidneys causing excess secretion of magnesium, a vital mineral for proper muscle function as well as many other biochemical reactions in our body. Additionally, sugar can be considered an ‘anti-nutrient’ as it is a food that uses up nutrients in order for us to digest it, yet provides us with no nutrients in return. Chronic consumption of sugar can lead to elevated insulin levels which can damage peripheral nerves leading to neuropathy, a common cause of chronic pain in diabetics.
Processed Foods
Processed foods often combine all of these pain-triggering foods. A potato chip exposes you to nightshades as well as pesticides as well a source of carbohydrate our body recognizes as a high-dose of sugar; soda pop combines sugar, caffeine and phosphates, a compound that combines with magnesium disabling our ability to absorb it. Additionally, the multiple ingredients within a processed food can make it difficult to determine if you are being exposed to foods your are sensitive to.
Wondering if foods are contributing to your chronic pain?
Book an appointment with us today.
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