2 min|Integrative
Integrative Lab: Your Wellness Allies in the Integrative Cancer Care Program
Clinic UpdatesThe Integrative Cancer Care Program uses all the valuable resources available here at our clinic.
When fighting cancer it’s important to both strengthen the body’s potential to recover and maintain its integrity, as we work to weaken cancer cells and the disharmonious processes that fuel cancer growth. An imperative component of the cancer care program at Integrative is our lab, a key provider in offering individualized treatments to these patients.
The Lab
Our lab spends quality time caring for cancer patients: forming relationships, working with them holistically and therapeutically to make this a positive healing experience. Throughout conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, we are part of the patient’s healthcare team and are here to ensure they feel their best going into and coming out from treatment.
Our Staff
Our lab staff are all highly qualified and knowledgeable individuals including naturopathic resident doctors and foreign-trained MD’s who have prior medical practice abroad and have joined INMC as adjunctive staff. Having a diverse skill set and medical knowledge, our team is equipped for any medical emergency that may occur in office. They are critical problem solvers and all patients are closely supervised so that optimal care is delivered.
Lab Services
Lab services here begin when a patient enrols in the program and undergoes specialized testing to help determine both early detection and monitoring of systemic tumor burden. This includes RGCC, a blood liquid biopsy for indications of circulating tumor and stem cells in the body; Onco-Blot testing which looks at specific tumor markers and correlates it to tissue type so that carcinogenic processes can be detected long before tumors are large enough to be seen on imaging. We also offer specific testing for cervical cancer risk after abnormal PAP results such as Q3-Gain testing.
Lab Treatments
Lab treatments, prescribed by the doctors at INCM and referring physicians are done in our state of the art lab with a 6 patient capacity. The lab focuses mainly on parenteral (IV) infusion for nutritive and supportive purposes. The Integrative Cancer Care Program has taken the lab services to new heights now offering not just supportive but also therapeutics targeted directly at fighting cancer. Find out more about these exciting therapies in our next blog.
If you're interested in Intravenous Therapy, get in touch with one of our experienced Naturopathic Doctors to find out if it's appropriate for you!