Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine at Integrative
At Integrative, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) bridges the gap between ancient techniques and modern science to provide holistic treatment plans rooted in thousands of years of experience.
What is it?
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

A whole-person diagnosis process
Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes a system of recognizing patterns of disharmony within the body, mind, and spirit.

An ancient system of healing
Unique treatment plans of Traditional Chinese Medicine combine various therapeutic tools such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, tui na massage, and cupping.
The Principles
The Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pronounced ‘chee’, Qi is the active life force underlying all living things, regulating mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The Meridians
The meridians are the ‘energy highways’ upon which Qi flows. There are twelve main meridians that encompass the entire body; acupuncture points are located along these meridians.

Eight Principles of Diagnosis
Traditional Chinese Medicine does not diagnose based purely on symptoms, but rather evaluates patients based on eight principles - yin, yang, interior, exterior, heat, cold, deficiency, excess - that give rise to complex patterns of internal disharmony

Cause of Disease
Imbalances can occur due to external forces such as infections, internal forces such as emotions, and other irregularities such as an imbalanced diet

Four Pillars of Diagnosis
In order to fully evaluate a patient, a TCM Doctor will inspect (the tongue, face, and skin), auscultate (clarity of voice), palpate (pulses, abdomen, meridian points), and inquire (take a full history)

Holistic Treatment
After full evaluation of these principles, your TCM Doctor will prescribe a unique treatment plan, utilizing various modalities such as acupuncture and herbal medicine
Applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat a variety of health concerns, alone or in combination with a variety of complementary medical treatments
- Digestive Symptoms
- Skin Imbalances (acne, psoriasis, eczema)
- Mental Health
- Family Planning (fertility, pregnancy, pre and post-natal care)
- Aging Well
- Chronic Conditions
- Cancer Care
- Cosmetic Acupuncture