14th May 2018
Nerve Express Testing
Treatments & Therapies, Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes, Testing, Nerve ExpressDownload PDF
Heart Rate Variability Assessment
One of the most important internal regulating systems within our bodies isthe autonomic nervous system. This neurological system controls all of the“unconscious” processes of our physiology such as digestion, sleep, wakefulness,sexual arousal, ability to concentrate, pupil dilation and heart rate.The Sympathetic portion rules the active, “fight or flight” mechanism. This is theaccelerated response to stress that is left over from our reptilian brain function thathelped us react when we were under attack.The opposite effect is generated by the Parasympathetic nervous system. Examples ofthis, in our physiology, are the promotion of digestion, cellular repair and the abilityto sleep.Understanding of the general “tone” of the autonomic nervous system is extremelyhelpful in assessing whether someone is in a catabolic (breaking down) or anabolic(building up) state and this would then determine the nature and effectiveness of anytherapy.The Nerve Express Test is a diagnostic device that quickly and easily indicatesthe balance between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous function bymeasuring the heart rate in supine and standing positions. This type of testing is alsocalled heart rate variability and response. It also assesses how your health changes inresponse to different circumstances or therapeutics as well as your overall physicalfitness as indicated by your response to stress.The technology behind this device has been tested over the past twenty years andinvolved more than 15,000 patients with a resulting objectivity and reproducibilitythat recognizes and classifies the 49 states of the Autonomic nervous system with acorresponding qualitative description of each one.