2 min|Rhiannon Lockhart
Cell Banking with Acorn Biolabs
Regenerative MedicineIf you had the opportunity to keep your cells of today for use when you get older, would you take it?
Acorn BioLabs takes regenerative medicine one step further by allowing you to do just that. Integrative Naturopathic Medical Centre is proud to offer live cell preservation in-clinic to support your long-term health.
Who is Acorn Labs?
Acorn labs is a Canadian-based biotechnology company, and the world’s first non-invasive follicle-based cell preservation service, that takes an individualized approach to health and wellness. They offer the opportunity to bank your best cells for future regenerative treatments. Acorn is always looking for cutting edge ways to utilize regenerative technology and works to support patient’s ability to utilize cells by creating products for future use.
What is the process of Live Cell Preservation?
Simply put, cells are collected from plucked hair follicles. They are then cryogenically frozen to inhibit the aging and degradation process. In total, 50 follicles are collected and evaluated for use. Should any not meet the necessary standards for freezing, additional hair follicles are plucked at no additional cost to you.
What can these cells do?
At this time, these cells are stored for future uses that are awaiting approval from Health Canada and the FDA, however Acorn has a lot of projects that are nearing fruition. Some are awaiting approval and may be years before they are practiced, these include:
Aesthetic application: Acorn will begin production on the first autologous exosome product for skin and hair rejuvenation later this year. This will be topically applied and suggested for use alongside microneedling and laser treatments.
Healing from athletic injuries, faster
Hair regrowth
Disease prevention
While these applications may be 5 to 10 years away, banking cells at a younger age provides more benefit to you when they are able to be utilized.
This all sounds interesting, when can I start?
Anyone ages 18 to 65 can have their hair follicles collected and stored. Ideally, the early you get started, the better your cells are.
If you are concerned about the effects of aging as they pertain to skin, hair, athletic performance and pain management, then this is definitely an option to pursue!
Want to learn more about utilizing this innovative regenerative technology? Contact our reception team for more details.
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